Quest – Text-based adventure game (creating a room)

If you’ve not read it yet, here is my first post about Quest/ActiveLit. I’ve just sat down for about an hour and a half to try and create my first room in ActiveLit. I’m not going to lie, it was quite hard work, but it feels like the next room will be a lot easierContinue reading “Quest – Text-based adventure game (creating a room)”

Quest – Text based adventure games (intro)

When we were looking at the new curriculum last year, we were drawn to the idea of looking at text based adventure games and it was penciled in to our Year 6 curriculum. From September I’m the one who has to find a way to introduce and teach this topic so I was really pleasedContinue reading “Quest – Text based adventure games (intro)”

Raspberry Pi – Switching it on

Provided you have everything plugged in correctly, the first time you login a screen like this will pop up (don’t worry, after the first time you won’t see this again unless you want to): If, like me, you’re a complete novice to the pi, simply use arrow keys to move down to ‘finish’ and pressContinue reading “Raspberry Pi – Switching it on”


My boyfriend and I discovered Codecademy over Christmas 2013 – neither of can remember how we first found out about, but we started off competing against each other to see who could get the furthest in Python. When I started teaching coding to years 3 and 4 in January 2014 and started to run my Code ClubContinue reading “Codecademy”

Digital Literacy vs Computing vs ICT

So, instead of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) or Microsoft Office for beginners, as most of us knew it as, we have this new beast called Computing and Digital Literacy. The basic idea is that Computing should count as a science and be given the same emphasis and importance whereas Digital Literacy should be ‘pickedContinue reading “Digital Literacy vs Computing vs ICT”